What if your leadership impacted not only the bottom line – but transformed lives?

Introducing The Service-Driven Leadership Seminar

What if you could “make your mark” not just on a spreadsheet, but on human hearts and minds. That kind of leadership is rare – but it’s possible!

This is a leadership seminar like no other. You’ll come away with practical and proven strategies AND find yourself challenged, moved and motivated to be the person, the leader, you’ve always hoped, even dreamed you could be.

Discover a leadership style that not only moves your company’s bottom line, but also moves you, changes and renews you, empowers and equips you for the road ahead.

A seminar that excites you about your chosen profession, about your life’s work, about what you want your life’s work to look like and to be; a seminar that excites you about who you are and what you do. And about your relationship with a power greater than yourself.

If you’re ready to move beyond “business as usual” …this seminar is for you…

Did you know that in most profit-based companies, more than 70% of employees identify as “not fully engaged.” As a service-driven leader in your company, you will have the power to change that.

You will be introduced to 6 Success Secrets not found in most leadership books, including the power of service and a practical application of servant leadership.

Join Donald Clinebell, author of the ground-breaking and highly acclaimed Extraordinary Living, The Hidden Power that Answers Life’s Most Compelling Question, for a half-day seminar designed around a most powerful concept: An approach to leadership that puts serving others first – employees, clients, customers, community.

You will receive practical steps you can put into practice right away.

Your outlook changes outcomes.

Effective and engaging leadership comes not just from the head, but from the heart. And when it does, leadership becomes powerful, productive, even inspired. This kind of leadership moves people, it engages people, and, as a result, it helps you move more products and services with greater capacity and efficiency.

Service-Driven Leadership gives companies the power to shape their future.

Do not miss this opportunity to re-engage yourself in your life’s work and, in the process, engage your employees in what they do and why they do it.

What others are saying:

Event Dates:


Service-Driven Leadership Seminar: Discover leadership that moves your people AND your bottom line forward

VIP Advance Purchase- $49 (Discount ends February 1, 2020). Same-Day Registration: $75
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Bella Collina San Clemente, 200 Avenida La Pata San Clemente, CA 92673

To register for this event, go to: Click Here

Coming soon to Orlando, Florida; Seattle, WA; Denver, Colorado and a location near you. Watch this page for more information!


Each attendee will receive the over 200 page Service Driven Leader Workbook FREE when you register for and attend the Service Driven Leadership Seminar!

Want a customized Seminar for your company?

There is nothing more empowering than a team of service driven leaders. How can you put such a team around you? Perhaps it is time to gather your leadership team, or indeed all of your leadership and employees, and devote half a day or an entire day to a tailored Service Driven Leadership Seminar or Retreat. With breakout sessions thoroughly prepared for and focused specifically on your company and its needs. With consultation, planning and coaching with Donald Clinebell both before and after the seminar or retreat.

Like to know more about this surprisingly affordable and amazingly productive way forward?

Contact the Service Driven Institute Executive Administrator at theservicedrivenlife@gmail.com.

Or contact Donald Clinebell directly at 949 981 7847.

Let’s move your people and the bottom line forward…together!


The Schedule:

8:00 a.m.
Get acquainted, coffee, continental breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Words of Inspiration
8:35 a.m.
Opening General Session: The Power of Service
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
General Session #2: The 7 Keys to Success as a Leader
9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Break-out session #1
10:45 a.m.
Break-out session #2
11:25 a.m.
Plenary Session (Action Items. Open discussion)
11:50 a.m.
Closing Words and Sending

About Your Presenter:

Donald Clinebell is founder of The Service Driven Institute, a distinguished author, a powerful and gifted speaker, and a true man of service. Donald has a passion for helping people experience the power of service and extraordinary living. He holds a BA from Pomona College and a JD from UCLA. He is of counsel to the Clinebell Law Firm and a former Deputy Attorney General for the State of California. Learn more at www.theservicedrivenlife.com

Donald’s second book, Extraordinary Living, has been called “ground-breaking” and “life-changing.” “An instant classic. A must read for every parent and every teen.” (Mike Darnold, PDG, Rotary International).

An advance copy of Donald’s latest book The Service Driven Leader will be given to each attendee.

Attendees will also receive special discounts on his previous books.


Get notified of specific dates and locations for this event!

